Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Twice Removed: Krog street addition

This will be the second time I have been held hostage, and summoned to sit in traffic and stuck looking at my gate. You see, Krog street is my entrance and my exit into most of my travels and on Sunday it happened again. The first twice removed situation was when it rained for 7 days and 7 nights. Everything was flooded, including the Krog street bridge. As beautiful as the picture is in this post, it was hell for me and the whole community. The second twice removed was on Sunday, when they were filming a movie. My neighbor Chris said it was for Big Momma House # 17, or something. On this day everything shut down, with minimal APD assistance. It's not the fact the tunnel was closed, but how it is now a beacon of hipster culture. Not a day goes by that I don't see someone having a tacky photo shoot in the tunnel for bad clothing and weave shoots. AHHHHHH!!!! When will it stop, I really want my tunnel back.

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